My Beautiful Love of My Life
Look at that picture. Isn't she amazing? I can't tell you how old she is because if I did some doctor would have to reattach my kahunas, but isn't she beautiful? It's driving me nuts to tell you, so I'll write it in code. The love of my life, my wife Deborah, is
You would never know it looking at the picture would you. Another reason why I love Deborah.
(Anyone knowing the factorial of zero and finding my kahunas, please comment or send me an email so that I can have them reattached.)
Odds 'N' Ends
I sent a picture of Justin, Jarrod, and Lexie standing in Front of Bob Tasca's fuel funny car on Saturday to Deborah. I explained that we had to get a tire repaired, and the dealership just happened to have the funny car on display. Of course, Deborah knows me better than that and realized that I knew the car would be there, but I had to think of a reason to go see it. So Deborah replied by text that while looking for a plunger and toilet bowl cleaner at Jared's, she would send me pictures of herself with diamond anniversary rings.
Since Deborah was a competitive powerlifter, I asked Deborah to demonstrate proper splits technique while nude and pumping iron...
anyone finding the rest of my kahunas around the neighborhood, please comment or email.