Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mom's A BADASS, Mom's Little Girl, and An IMPORTANT Message

Yesterday, I did my normal Tuesday base run, and I was feeling pretty good about myself. After the run, I went over to sit with Deborah while she deadlifted. When I get over to the deadlift platform, she has 185 lbs on the bar, which she easily deadlifts twice. So she says, "I've been feeling really strong. I should try to do 200 lbs. So that's 5 lbs and 2-1/2 lbs plates added to each side, right?"

I agreed, and we bumped the bar up to 200 lbs. After telling me not to look at her--she's afraid I'll make her laugh or pee or something--she moves me to a viewing spot out of the way. Deborah then wraps her lifting-straps around the bar and smoothly dead-lifts 200 lbs.

Holy Shizzzz!

How many other petite less-than-50-but-close year olds can dead-lift 200 lbs. Not very damn many is the answer.

If they're in the gym at all, they're thinking of 10, 2, and 4 chocolate bon-bons while gliding on an elliptical for 6 minutes before walking around the gym twice to look at the other weird machines and free weights, which they avoid like the plague because in the words of Fred Stoller (I think), "I tried lifting weights, but they're sooo heavy."

It's no wonder all the gym rats stare at Deborah while she's working out. It's rare to see girls lifting,  rarer still to see girls lifting well, and rarest of all to see a built beautiful babe lifting more than the

It's either that or her perky nipples.

Lexie is in 1st grade.

She reads like at least a 3rd grader.

Deborah is studying for the GRE so that she can enter a Masters degree program.

So...last night, Lexie picks up Deborah's review words and starts reading them,





Deborah and I were looking at each other like WTF?
She's in 1st grade.

After more words, Lexie says, "I could quit school and take the test for you mommy."


The masses at Penn State protested to save Joe Paterno. A single family protested at Penn State to save victims. Think about it.

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