Saturday, May 24, 2008

Hello! And His Momma Must Have Been Proud

I got too much to say about nothing, so I decided to start blogging about nothing again. I have another Check it out when you can't sleep. It's supposed to be about technical oil and gas stuff.

If anyone used to read my old blog. I wrote about nothing and running. When I signed out, I had finished two marathons, signed up for an Ironman triathlon, quit my job, and started a new company.

Now...I'm preparing for marathon number three. I realized that I can't swim worth a shit, and my Ironman event will need to wait. My old job, and the company I worked for, make me glad I quit. My new company is open...and struggling.

I can't wait to write something funny.

I've been sleeping with the windows open. Two nights ago, at 2:42 am, I woke up to the aroma of skunk. Strong enough that he could have been in the backyard. I couldn't stand it, and I shut my windows. The next day, while driving to the office, I saw said skunk dead along the side of the road at least 1/2 mile from my house. Now I can stink, but I don't think I stink to people in their homes 1/2 mile away. His momma must have been proud.

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